Caching with IGitt

IGitt provides a default in-memory cache to store data from requests to reuse and avoid the problems of rate limiting. To use your own cache store, please refer below.


Configure your Django application settings providing the cache backend of your choice. Choose your cache backend from the list of available backends for Django.

An example configuration can be found below.


    'default': {
        'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.db.DatabaseCache',
        'LOCATION': 'igitt_cache',
        'TIMEOUT': 60*60*24*7*4,  # 4 weeks
        'OPTIONS': {'MAX_ENTRIES': 10 ** 9}  # 1 trillion entries

Once you’ve configured cache backend with Django, proceed forward and connect IGitt’s caching mechanism within the chosen cache backend. Make sure that you do this as soon as the app is ready to use the database. In your main application’s AppConfig, implement the ready method as follows.

from django.apps import AppConfig
from django.core.cache import cache as django_cache
from IGitt.Utils import Cache

class ExampleConfig(AppConfig):

    def ready(self):
        # Initialize the IGitt Cache management.
        Cache.use(django_cache.get, django_cache.set)

If you’ve chosen a DatabaseCache backend, before you start your application, create the database table by running the following.:

python createcachetable


Flask itself does not provide support for caching like Django does, but Werkzeug, one of the libraries it is based on, has some very basic cache support. It supports multiple cache backends like Django does. For more details please refer here.

Create a cache object once and keep it around, similar to how other Flask objects are created. This cache also provides, simple to use, set and get methods to store and retrieve objects respectively. Now that your cache is properly configured, please connect IGitt’s caching mechanism to your cache object as soon as it is created. A sample code is given below.:

from werkzeug.contrib.cache import RedisCache
from IGitt.Utils use Cache

flask_cache = RedisCache(key_prefix='igitt_cache')
Cache.use(flask_cache.get, flask_cache.set)

You are now ready to use IGitt caching mechanism with your flask application. The same approach can be used with any other applications alike.