IGitt.Jira package


IGitt.Jira.JiraComment module

Represents the comment resource from JIRA.

class IGitt.Jira.JiraComment.JiraComment(token: Union[IGitt.Interfaces.BasicAuthorizationToken, IGitt.Jira.JiraOAuth1Token], issue_id: Union[int, str], comment_id: int)[source]

Bases: IGitt.Jira.JiraMixin, IGitt.Interfaces.Comment.Comment

Represents a comment on JIRA, mainly with a body and author - oh and it’s deletable!


Retrieves the author of the comment.

Returns:A User object.

Retrieves the content of the comment:

Returns:A string containing the body.

Retrieves a timestamp on when the comment was created.

Returns:A datetime.datetime object representing the time of creation of the comment.

Deletes the comment.


Retrieves the id of the comment.


Returns the JIRA project this comment was posted in, as a JiraRepository instance.


Retrieves the type of the comment it links to.


Retrieves a timestamp on when the comment was updated the last time.

Returns:A datetime.datetime object representing the time of the last update of the comment.

IGitt.Jira.JiraIssue module

This contains the Issue implementation for Jira.

class IGitt.Jira.JiraIssue.JiraIssue(token: IGitt.Jira.JiraOAuth1Token, identifier: Union[str, int])[source]

Bases: IGitt.Jira.JiraMixin, IGitt.Interfaces.Issue.Issue

This class represents an Issue resource on JIRA.

add_comment(body) → IGitt.Jira.JiraComment.JiraComment[source]

Adds a comment to the issue.

Parameters:body – The content of the comment.
Returns:The newly created comment.
Raises:RuntimeError – If something goes wrong (network, auth…).

Sets a given users as assignee.


Retrieves the assignees of the issue.

Note: JIRA only allows one assignee per issue.

Returns:A set of usernames of assignees.

Retrieves the author of the issue.

Returns:A string containing the username of author.

Compiles a set of labels that are available for labelling this issue.

Returns:A set of label captions.

Closes the issue.

Raises:RuntimeError – If something goes wrong (network, auth…).

Retrieves the comments on the issue.

Returns:A set of JiraComment instances.
static create(token: IGitt.Jira.JiraOAuth1Token, project: str, title: str, body: str = '', issue_type: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Creates a new issue with the given title and body on the specified project.

  • token – The OAuth 1.0 token to be used for authentication.
  • project – The identifier of the project in which the issue should be opened.
  • issue_type – The name of the issue type resource to be used.
  • title – The title of the issue.
  • body – The description of the issue.

A new JiraIssue object.


Retrieves a timestamp on when the comment was created.

Returns:A datetime.datetime object representing the time of creation of the issue.

Deletes the issue.


Retrieves the description of the issue.

Returns:A string containing the description of the issue.

Retrieves the set of labels the issue is currently tagged with.

Returns:The set of labels.

Returns the merge requests that close this issue.


Retrieves the unique identifier of the issue.

Returns:An integer representing the id of the issue.

Retrieves the reactions / award emojis applied on the issue.


Reopens the issue.

Raises:RuntimeError – If something goes wrong (network, auth…).

Retrieves the state of the issue. JIRA determines the state of an issue based on resolution property of issue resource. If resolution is null, then the issue is still open, otherwise it has been closed or resolved.

Returns:Either IssueStates.OPEN or IssueStates.CLOSED.

Retrieves the title or summary of the issue.

Returns:A string containing the title of summary of the issue.

Unassigns given users from issue.


Retrieves a timestamp on when the comment was updated the last time.

Returns:A datetime.datetime object representing the last updated time of the issue.

Returns a human accessible web url for the corresponding issue.

Returns:A string containing the web link for the issue.

IGitt.Jira.JiraRepository module

Contains a JIRA project implementation.

class IGitt.Jira.JiraRepository.JiraRepository(token: Union[IGitt.Jira.JiraOAuth1Token, IGitt.Interfaces.BasicAuthorizationToken], identifier: Union[str, int])[source]

Bases: IGitt.Jira.JiraMixin, IGitt.Interfaces.Repository.Repository

Represents a project resource on JIRA.


JIRA projects don’t actually hold a codebase which can be cloned.


JIRA projects don’t actually hold a codebase and hence has no commits.

static create(token: Union[IGitt.Jira.JiraOAuth1Token, IGitt.Interfaces.BasicAuthorizationToken], name: str, project_type: Optional[str] = None, project_key: Optional[str] = None, project_lead: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a new JIRA project and returns it.

  • name – The name of the project.
  • project_type – The type of the project.
  • project_key – The key identifier of the project to be set.
  • project_lead – The project lead.
create_file(*args, **kwargs)[source]

JIRA projects don’t actually hold a codebase. So, new files can’t be created.

create_fork(*args, **kwargs)[source]

JIRA projects don’t actually have a codebase to be forked.

create_issue(issue_type: str, title: str, body: str = '') → IGitt.Jira.JiraIssue.JiraIssue[source]

Creates a new issue in the project.

create_label(name: str, description: Optional[str] = None, label_type: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a new label.

create_merge_request(*args, **kwargs)[source]

JIRA projects don’t actually hold a codebase to merge changes into.


Deletes the JIRA project.

delete_hook(url: str)[source]

Deletes all the webhooks to the specified URL.

delete_label(name: str)[source]

Deletes the specified label.

Raises:ElementDoesntExistError if no such label exists.
filter_issues(state: str = 'opened') → set[source]

Filters issues from a repository based on the chosen properties.


JIRA doesn’t have an account based naming scheme like GitHub. So, this property returns just the project name.

get_issue(issue_number: int)[source]

Retrieves the specified issue from the project.

Returns:A JiraIssue object representing the specified issue.

Retrieves the list of available labels for this project.

get_mr(mr_number: int)[source]

JIRA doesn’t actually hold a codebase and doesn’t support sending merge requests.

get_permission_level(*args, **kwargs) → IGitt.Interfaces.AccessLevel[source]

JIRA provides support for custom permission schemes for users which cannot be therefore generalized into an AccessLevel enum.


Retrieves all the webhooks this project is hooked to.

Returns:A set of URLs.

Returns the unique identifier of the corresponding repository.


Retrieves the set of open JiraIssue objects for this project.


JIRA projects don’t actually hold a codebase, so merge requests do not exist.


JIRA projects do not support or maintain a fork relationship between each other.

register_hook(url: str, _: Optional[str] = None, events: Optional[Set[IGitt.Interfaces.Repository.WebhookEvents]] = None)[source]

Registers a webhook to the given URL.

search_issues(created_after: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, created_before: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, updated_after: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, updated_before: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, state: Optional[IGitt.Interfaces.IssueStates] = None)[source]

List open issues in the repository.

search_mrs(*args, **kwargs)[source]

JIRA doesn’t support a merge request resource.


JIRA doesn’t support organizations.


Returns a human accessible web url for the corresponding project.

Module contents

This package contains the JIRA implementations of the interfaces in server.git.Interfaces.

class IGitt.Jira.JiraMixin[source]

Bases: IGitt.Utils.CachedDataMixin

Base object for all things on Jira.

static absolute_url(url)[source]

Builds an absolute URL from the base URL and specified url.


Returns jira.


Returns JIRA API url.


Returns the web link for the corresponding JIRA object.

class IGitt.Jira.JiraOAuth1Token(client_key, key, secret)[source]

Bases: IGitt.Interfaces.Token

Object representation of JIRA OAuth v1.0 token.


A AuthBase instance that can be readily used to configure any kind of authentication easily with requests library.


The Authorization headers.


Parameter to be used for authentication


Token value